
Fiona MacKay

Fiona has a deep & abiding love of the natural world & mother earth, she is a propagator of trees, flowers, thoughts & ideas, an avid listener, a deep-thinker & insatiable seeker of knowledge. 

She spent 5 years managing a lodge in the African wilderness & many years traveling the world photographing wildlife, attempting to captivate & inspire people, with the understanding we only protect, that which we love & value.

Inspired by her horses, she has delved deeper into the world of holistic health. Becoming an advanced Australian Bush Flower Essence Practitioner, a Reiki Master & learning more about herbalism & somatic body work with a particular interest in trauma resolution. 

As the digital communications strategist for a conservation charity she noticed the anxiety inducing affect of the current conversation around the state of nature & wanted to help those who love nature.
